I hope everyone had a good weekend and is ready for the start of another work week. In this week of links you'll find numerous Twitter stories, sweet Milwaukee airline deals, new studies and much more.
- Great speech by @skydiver about social media and "making it about you." http://tinyurl.com/kwgx6g
- RT @RochelleVeturis HOW TO: Back Up Your Tweets http://bit.ly/FHVut via @mashable
- RT @Razorfish What happens when u deprive American families of TV? @Razorfish did a study: http://tinyurl.com/ljbu54 #CannesLions
- RT @danschawbel REPORT: 88% of millennials said they still counted on their parents for advice http://tinyurl.com/m2ytw4
- NYTimes article on BB etiquette. http://tinyurl.com/nxcfqe What do you think? If nothing else it encourages presenters to be more engaging.
- Cool tool from @Culvers RT @culvers U can use our new Meal Builder tool 2 plan ur meal & learn its nutritional value! http://bit.ly/Z9qt1
- RT @julieannwarner Touche, Dan Bice? MKE Magazine says Bice is the real journalistic shame in Flynn's affair. http://ow.ly/fxnG
- RT @RochelleVeturis 10 useful Twitter presentations http://is.gd/1acjc via @leeodden
- RT @TDefren Wife & I were Alice.com (client) beta users. Love it. So many fewer trips to WalMart. http://www.alice.com. - Looks interesting.
- RT @NancyStall Just in. Vikings equip manager has already ordered #4 purple jerseys with Favre's name on back. http://bit.ly/NAbKq
- BK Blow job ad. http://tinyurl.com/b6sp24 Disturbing and hilarious. Thanks for the heads up @agencyspy.
- If you're planning to fly in or out of Milwaukee book your tickets now. http://tinyurl.com/mw5p7b
- RT @laermer @carlosdiamond Fortune 100 CEOs Who Are Social Media Slackers http://tinyurl.com/n6xwnz - This is kind of sad.
- RT @streetzapizza A listing of all of the summerfest deals and ways to get in for free... http://milwaukee.about.com/...
- Why Google and Virgin Airlines Online Scavenger Hunt Campaign Rocked http://tinyurl.com/lba3z7
- RT @briansolis A List of Top Media Outlets and Blogs: http://bit.ly/5jMRc - A handy list for PR pro's.
- RT @mashable Twitter Guide Book: Mashable Launches Hub for Twitter Resources - http://bit.ly/JfX4H - A great resource 4 everything Twitter.
- RT @prblog: Okay, PR friends, here's the tool for your journalist research: Google News byline search http://ow.ly/fVSS (via @DwriteN)
Labels: marketing, public relations, social media, studies, Twitter
This has been a question I’ve been thinking about ever since my blog post in February caused a bit of an uproar. (You can read more about it in the latest issue of PR Tactics.) This question has come to light again in wake of the New York Time’s article about a blogger being invited to a White House news conference.
I am of the opinion that the majority of blogs, including this one, should not be taken as a serious source for news. Most bloggers do not take the time to follow-up with sources, double check the facts and conduct interviews. Many times you’re lucky if they cite the source. I personally try my best not to spew false information, but I am in no way as credible as a professional news organization.
However, the distinction is a littler trickier with other blogs. What about The Huffington Post, Drudge Report or even Gawker? Many of the people at these blogs are paid for their contributions, and The Huffington Post certainly does their fair share of research before posting a story.
Isn’t it about time for everyone to sit down and come to a consensus?
Maybe some blogs do deserve the same rights and privileges as traditional news outlets. But if so, who chooses those blogs and how do we identify them? Perhaps this is a job for an industry organization like the Society of Professional Journalists .
For blogs that are chosen as news outlets, how about posting an icon on their home page to identify them? Or, maybe no blog deserves this title. I’d love to hear your thoughts.
Labels: bloggers, journalism, The Huffington Post
Apologies for missing my weekly post again. A busy work week and the second wedding in two weeks kept me busy.
This week in links... A few quirky news stories, a letter of inspiration from Peter Shankman and the newest trends in marketing. Enjoy!
- RT @TDefren "I get around three to four pitches a day from PR firms and they all suck." (@modite - client) http://tinyurl.com/q3w5se
- @NewsHub That's hilarious. Couldn't they have just sent the poor guys home? :) http://tr.im/oBHG
- RT @streetzapizza Top Ten Businesses to follow - milwaukeeconsumer.com: http://tinyurl.com/ko5f4e
- 5 ways gaming can transform healthcare & wellness via @rohitbhargava http://tinyurl.com/ldakzw. - can't wait 2 see what other industries do.
- A letter to high school graduates via @skydiver. http://tinyurl.com/3kjqa6 (And a little inspiration for the rest of us.)
- RT @wausauherald Jail inmate smears a death threat to a judge, using his feces http://tinyurl.com/nk43j5 Ew!!!!
- The next trend in marketing - holocams. http://tinyurl.com/l6tnde
- This makes me think... Why hasn't Wisconsin struck a reciprocity deal with Ill. yet? http://tinyurl.com/l6or7l
Labels: gaming, holocams, Peter Shankman, PR, trends in marketing, Twitter
Being the maid of honor in my best friend's wedding this weekend didn't leave me much time to Twitter. I'll be back this week in full force. Until I leave for my cousin's wedding on Friday...
- RT @Armano congrats to @stephagresta who joins @porternovelli as EVP of digital strategy http://twurl.nl/m7uw6r
- RT @mashable Local Tweets: 9 Ways to Find Twitter Users in Your Town - http://bit.ly/3B87Fu
- RT @NewsHub A revolutionary development @WIStateFair: Chocolate covered bacon. http://tr.im/nTJX - Maybe I'm weird, but that sounds tasty.
- Lakefront Brewery launches new Wheat Monkey beer Thurs. June 11. http://pitch.pe/14780
- RT @AlKrueger I enjoyed this: 10 Irrational Behaviors on Twitter that’d make you look crazy in Real Life http://bit.ly/aYvhH
- Somehow, even w/ all the college drownings La Crosse ranked in the top 10 places 2 live by US News & World Report. http://tinyurl.com/m3uwqh
- For anyone still wondering what #blamedrewscancer is all about. http://tinyurl.com/lgw4h8
A few weeks ago I wrote thank-you cards to everyone who helped me throw a bridal shower. After the cards were sent, the bride-to-be told me her mother really appreciated the card and was more or less impressed with my efforts. That got me thinking…
Because I am a millennial, you may be surprised that I didn’t send an e-card or mass e-mail. Or sadly, that I sent a note at all. Well, call me old-fashioned, but this millennial still believes in the power of the written word.
Over the years we’ve developed many different communication tools. We’ve gone from fax to e-mail to instant messaging, and now hundreds of social networks. But in all this excitement, many of us have forgotten the value of ink. You remember, it’s the stuff that comes out of your pen.
With all the talk about growing our social networks and staying connected, how many of us take the time to show our inner circle how much they are valued? I’m not saying we should go back to writing long letters, and of course it’s important to be “green,” but sometimes a handwritten note says a lot more than an e-mail.
The Impact
Because we live in a world where online rules, sending a card has become quite meaningful. In business, receiving a handwritten note shows the person is serious about continuing the relationship, and will keep you a priority. In our personal lives, receiving a handwritten note shows how much that person cares. It means a lot to know they spent time picking out a card, and putting pen to paper. In both cases that person is showing they value the relationship.
I make it a point to write a thank-you card for every formal birthday or special occasion present I receive. (The exception that proves the rule being Christmas presents.) I also send holiday cards with a different message to each person. I send birthday cards, anniversary cards, valentine’s cards, it-was-nice-to-meet-you cards. I even send thanks-for-the-interview cards. And you would not believe all the thank-you's I get for doing so.
I realize this may seem like a daunting task, and I’m not suggesting you send holiday cards to everyone in your Rolodex (does anyone use those anymore?). But in an effort to be better communicators, it’s important to remember the joy and value you can bring to a relationship by taking the time to write a few sentences with ink. I promise one card is worth more than 10 expertly crafted e-mails.
Labels: communications, thank you cards
There are some great studies and surveys out this week on social media users. Also, look below to find out about the new Harry Potter LEGO video game and more.
- RT @SocialMedia411 Poll - Business People Say Twitter More Important Than LinkedIn: http://bit.ly/hpHtl
- RT @mashable YouTube Brands: 5 Outstanding Leaders in YouTube Marketing - http://bit.ly/KhIA9
- RT @SaraMeaney Harvard study says men have 15% more followers on Twitter than women. http://tinyurl.com/lyjs9u - NE1 else think this is sad?
- I don't play many video games, but I'm kind of excited for this one. http://tinyurl.com/pgpjda
- Study shows some men experience pregnancy symptoms like weight gain. http://tinyurl.com/paw78q
- Trend: More and more high school graduates are looking to Canada for college. http://tinyurl.com/qd3jmp
- RT @danschawbel REPORT: Social networking up 83% for U.S. http://bit.ly/1a3Ieq
- Yay New Hampshire! http://tinyurl.com/q49jvj
- RT @boelterlincoln Do you want to build an audience or community? Great post via @chrisbrogan. http://tinyurl.com/oe2j5c
- RT @laermer (I love amusement): @skydiver Amusement: Top 100 movie lines in 200 seconds. http://tinyurl.com/cbfs87 (!)
- RT @BradleyWill 5 Reasons People May Follow You on Twitter http://bit.ly/2fH7c
- Are you buying tactics or strategies? http://tinyurl.com/pkczhx Thanks for the great post @tdefren!
- RT @boelterlincoln Reading: Your Network is Your Only Insurance Policy http://tinyurl.com/o67emr
- RT @danschawbel REPORT: 53% of females participate in social media at least once a week http://tinyurl.com/ogu7pm
For real time updates follow me on Twitter. http://www.twitter.com/ladyhero
Labels: brands, Harry Potter, LinkedIn, New Hampshire, social media, social networks, Twitter, video games, YouTube
This week General Motors became the second-largest industrial bankruptcy in U.S. history. According to the Wall Street Journal, GM plans to close 17 factories and parts centers on top of cutting 20,000 more jobs before 2012. After hearing this news, it is no surprise that many Americans are worried about GM’s future. A huge rebranding effort will be required to help lift GM out of the red. Enter the video below.
While I personally have not been a fan of American cars, much less GM in recent years, I am a fan of GM’s new effort to rebrand themselves and communicate with the online community. The message in their video is authentic, and it’s clear that GM realizes doing business as usual will simply not work anymore.
Here’s hoping their message resonates with the rest of the American public. After all, we all have a stake in GM now. If that doesn’t convince Americans to buy American-made cars, I don’t know what will.
Labels: bankruptcy, Chapter 11, General Motors, GM, rebranding