The Rift
Traditionalist, Baby Boomer, Gen X, Gen Y... Which category fits you?
I am a member of Gen Y also known as the "Millennials" or "twenty-somethings," and I'm damn proud of it. I'm sick of hearing the boomer generation complain about how we're so hard to work with. If memory serves me right, they weren't exactly easy to get along with. Remember the 60's? The baby boomers caused so much rucus that it spawned a revolution.
Granted, not everyone in Gen Y is as much fun as a "Pic-a-nic basket." Some of us do need too much coaching, are completely self-absorbed and unable to do anything without our parents. However, the vast majority in my generation are very motivated. Our notion that the sky is the limit is extremely helpful. We are "Yes" people.
We are driven and extremely efficient. We can whip up that report in half the time while IMing and listening to our ipods. Because we are tech savvy we are able to be more environmentally-friendly. When is the last time a twenty-something asked you to "Print it out and put it on my desk?"
That's crazy talk to us. Why do you need to print when you can use track changes, keep track of things in an excel sheet, or simply save it electronically? These are things that frustrate my generation.
We work hard and want to be rewarded.
I've found that many businesses are too slow moving for Gen Y. If we've been at a job for six months and done outstanding work we feel we should be rewarded. How about a raise or promotion? Hell, I'd take some extra vacation days! Instead we are told to wait a year or two before we have a chance to move up.
A Happy Workplace
Many employers are initiating wellness programs and making their work environments more friendly to maintain and attract quality staff (read Gen Y). This shift can only help businesses. I understand there may be some sticker shock when CEO's are told how much it will cost to update the office, but I guarantee they will be rewarded.
Employees who feel comfortable, well taken care of and appreciated will be more productive and eager to work. They might even come up with an idea or two.
The Bottom Line
Please stop bashing Generation Y. We're really not that bad. We put up with your eccentricities. Please put with ours.
Labels: Baby Boomers, Generation Y, Twenty-somethings, workplace
Well stated!
Cait said...
July 22, 2008 at 4:50 PM